Non-Verified (Visible to Admin permission group only) – A temporary status for new/existing vendors that need to register with VIVE. The vendor’s information was uploaded by either the VIVE implementation team or the client and will remain in a status of non-verified for four months. After four months, the account will be moved to an inactive status. If the vendor’s email address was included, the vendor will receive a series of emails from VIVE asking the vendor to register with VIVE. If the vendor begins registering, their account status will move to a Registering status. VIVE does not perform any vetting for vendors with a status of non-verified.
Registering – The vendor began the registration process with VIVE but did not complete the process. The vendors will receive automated emails to remind them to complete the registration process. VIVE does not perform any vetting for vendors with a status of Registering.
Awaiting Payment – The vendor completed all steps of the VIVE registration process except for the final step which is to pay the annual registration fee. Vendors receive automated emails to remind them to complete the registration process. VIVE does not perform any vetting for vendors in a status of awaiting payment.
Registered – The vendor completed the VIVE registration process. VIVE will start the review process within an hour and the account will move to a status of Reviewing. VIVE sends emails to the vendor and insurance agent requesting a copy of the vendor’s Certificate of Insurance (COI).
Reviewing - VIVE began vetting the information submitted by the vendor. VIVE actively works with the vendor and insurance agent to obtain COIs and resolve any issues preventing approval. Vendors can stay in a status of reviewing for up to 30 days until the requirements are met and the vendor is approved or until suspension if not meeting a client’s requirement.
Approved – The vendor has passed all client requirements. This is a vendor that is ready to be used with confidence that they are VIVE Approved. VIVE will request and review updated COIs when the expiration date approaches.
Site Conditional – VIVE has reviewed the information submitted by the vendor and one or more of the compliance requirements were not met. The client provided VIVE with a board waiver, waiving the “fail-point”. The vendor is only approved to work at the association(s) that provided the board waiver. These association names are on the vendor’s profile, under the ‘Sites’ tab.
Suspended – The vendor has failed to meet the client’s minimum requirements for VIVE approval. VIVE no longer communicates with the vendors to resolve their “fail points”, however, if they submit updated documentation VIVE will review and communicate with the vendor to evaluate the account for possible approval.
Renewing – A vendor who was approved and recently paid for their annual renewal. VIVE will review the business information, owner information if applicable, and license prior to approving or suspending the vendor.
Inactive – The vendor did not finish their registration within 4 months, was in a status of non-verified for over 120 days without registering with VIVE, the vendor requested to be inactivated in VIVE, or the client requested the vendor be inactivated in VIVE. VIVE does not perform any vetting for vendors with a status of inactive.
Compliance Exempt – Vendors who are exempt from the vendor compliance vetting process. These vendors are added by the client and are not vetted by VIVE’s team. These vendors are maintained completely by the client. VIVE does not perform any vetting for vendors in a status of compliance exempt.
Business Verified (Visible to Admin permission group only) – Only clients with the VIVE business verification package will see vendors in a status of business verified. The client uploads the vendor’s information and runs the business-verified process. The client is responsible for reviewing report results and resolving any fail points with the vendor. If the vendor’s email is included, the vendor will receive a series of emails from VIVE asking the vendor to register to become a traditional vendor.