Vendor Table How To Video:
Vendor Table Column Filters
The Vendors Table allows for sorting and filtering. To sort any column in ascending or descending order, click on the symbol in any column. The option to Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, or Remove Sort appears.
Multicolumn Sort
A user to able to sort using more than one column. Numbers will appear when the multiple sort option is being used. These sorts can be in ascending or descending order. The first sort chosen will be assigned first priority on the search, the second sort chosen will be assigned second priority, etc. Figure 4.2 Multiple Vendor Table Sort shows a sort based upon four columns beginning with VIVE status. To remove a column from the sort, click on the symbol at the top of the column and choose the “Remove Sort” option.
Figure 4.2 Multiple Vendor Table Sort
Add Additional Columns
Additional columns may be added and removed from the Vendor Table. Choose the symbol to the right of the column headings. A list of additional columns appears. Choose which column(s) to add to the vendor table. Figure 4.3 Additional Columns shows a user adding the Vendor EIN as an additional column. Seventeen additional columns are available. Columns may be removed following the same steps.
A column option with a checkmark, is already visible on the My Vendors table. A column option with a
"x", is currently hidden and not visible on the My Vendors table.
Figure 4.3 Additional Columns