Vendor Table How To Video:
The third icon on the top menu bar is “Vendors” (See Figure 3.0 Menu Bar). Click on the My Vendors icon at any time and the “Vendors” page appears listing all vendors assigned to the client.
Export Vendor Information
Vendor table information may be exported as a csv file or pdf. Choose the symbol to the right of the column headings. Choose to Export Only Visible Data option in order to export only the filtered data within the table. A user may also choose to Export All Data. (see Figure 4.4 Export Vendor Table Information)
Figure 4.4 Export Vendor Table Information
Add Additional Columns
Additional columns may be added and removed from the Vendor Table. Choose the symbol to the right of the column headings. A list of additional columns appears. Choose which column(s) to add to the vendor table. Figure 4.3 Additional Columns shows a user adding the Vendor EIN as an additional column. Seventeen additional columns are available. Columns may be removed following the same steps.
A column option with a checkmark, is already visible on the My Vendors table. A column option with a
"x", is currently hidden and not visible on the My Vendors table.
Figure 4.3 Additional Columns