Vendor Table How-To Video:
The third icon on the top menu bar is “Vendors”. Click on the Vendors icon at any time and the “Vendors” page appears listing all vendors assigned to the client. (See Figure 4.0 My Vendors).
Figure 4.0 My Vendors
Vendors Table
The Vendors table provides extensive information regarding each vendor. This section of the user guide will discuss the table headers starting from the left-hand side of the table.
- Preferred Vendor: The first column header is a ribbon.
The ribbon indicates Preferred Vendors. If a vendor is preferred, they will have a rank number in the Preferred Vendors ribbon column. Vendors are automatically sorted from highest to lowest rank. Click on the ribbon to change the sort to lowest to highest.
- Vendor Name: Lists the legal vendor name that was entered into VIVE.
- DBA: Lists the “Does Business As” name if entered.
- VIVE Status: This column lists the vendor’s current status within VIVE.
- City: Lists the city in which the vendor is located.
- State: Lists the state in which the vendor is located.
- Trade Categories: Lists the category(s) of the primary and secondary trades the vendor entered during the registration process.
- Vendor Rating: Lists the rating that the management company gave for the vendor. This is an internal rating only. It is not available to the vendor.
Vendor Table Search
In order to perform a universal search across the vendor table for a specific keyword(s), the key word may be entered into the “Search” field near the top of the My Vendors table. To clear the search, delete the text from the “Search” field. Figure 4.1 Universal Search, shows a universal search using the keyword “paint”. The universal search returned vendors with “paint” in the vendor name as well as the word “paint” as a primary or secondary trade.
In addition, a search can be performed for a specific column by entering key word(s) in the search text box under the specific column in which the user wishes to perform the search.
Figure 4.1 Universal Search
Vendor Table Column Filters
The My Vendors Table allows for sorting and filtering. To sort any column in ascending or descending order, click on the symbol in any column. The option to Sort Ascending, Sort Descending, or Remove Sort appears.
Multicolumn SortA user to able to sort using more than one column. Numbers will appear when the multiple sort option is being used. These sorts can be in ascending or descending order. The first sort chosen will be assigned first priority on the search, the second sort chosen will be assigned second priority, etc. Figure 4.2 Multiple Vendor Table Sort shows a sort based upon four columns beginning with VIVE status. To remove a column from the sort, click on thesymbol at the top of the column and choose the “Remove Sort” option.
Figure 4.2 Multiple Vendor Table Sort
Add Additional Columns
Additional columns may be added and removed from the Vendor Table. Choose the symbol to the right of the column headings. A list of additional columns appears. Choose which column(s) to add to the vendor table. Figure 4.3 Additional Columns shows a user adding the "Primary Trade" as an additional column. Seventeen additional columns are available. Columns may be removed following the same steps.
A column option with a checkmark, is already visible on the My Vendors table. A column option with a
"x", is currently hidden and not visible on the My Vendors table.
Figure 4.3 Additional Columns