Vendors may be invited to register with VIVE in multiple ways.
1. Most of our clients have a "Vendor Registration Page" on their Website. You may provide vendors with your company's website URL.
2. Send vendors an invitation to register through the VIVE application. Log into VIVE and click on the "Vendors" icon. . From the Vendors table, click on this "Invite a Vendor" button.
Fill in the vendor's First and Last Name and Email and click the "Send Invite" button. VIVE will automatically send an email to the vendor inviting them to register.
3. If you are with a client that has an API between VIVE and your account system, you can invite a vendor to register in VIVE's accounting table. To access your AP table of vendors within VIVE, log into VIVE and click on the Vendors icon. From the Vendor table, click on the AP Vendors tab. If you do not see the AP Vendors tab, then VIVE does not have an API or connection set up with your accounting system, and this method of inviting a vendor to register will not work for your company.
Once on the AP Vendors tab, the far-right column is titled "Actions". Search for the vendor you wish to invite to register with VIVE and click on the "envelope" icon under the "Actions" column. An email will be sent to the vendor requesting they register with VIVE. If no email is entered into AP, you will receive an error message letting you know an email cannot be sent. An email would have to be added to your AP system by logging out of VIVE and logging into your accounting system.